Manitoba Heritage Council Commemorative Plaques

The Winnipeg Aqueduct

The Winnipeg Aqueduct
(Courtesy of the City of Winnipeg Water and Waste Department)
Installed 1985
Stephen Juba Park
Lombard Avenue at the Red River

This aqueduct has long been recognized as a unique achievement in the history of Canadian engineering. From its source 156 kilometres (97 miles) east of the City, the Winnipeg Aqueduct can carry 386.4 million litres (eighty-five million gallons) a day using only the force of gravity.

Built between 1913 and 1919, this arch-shaped aqueduct replaced the inadequate well system which had provided Winnipeg with water since 1899. A construction railway was laid to transport equipment and work crews along the route. Because the aqueduct was conceived at a time when local politicians and civic boosters believed Winnipeg would become the "Chicago of the North" it was so grand in scope that it is still capable of supplying Winnipeg homes and industries with ample quantities of clean, fresh water.